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What we can plan together: Easy wedding Georgia VS Bahrain


Comparatively to Bahrain, Georgia is the ideal location for conducting marriage due to its simpler paperwork involved. The best thing is you will get an official marriage certificate on the same day even for those having an interfaith marriage. Where do you plan to go next? The decision is all yours.

Special Requirements to follow in Bahrain:

Expatriates can exchange vows in Bahrain but have to fulfil the lengthy process of civil and religious requirements. However, the NOC from the embassy and employer must be forwarded to the ministry of Justice in Bahrain. There is a specific set of regulations respective to the embassy.

A Muslim couple may marry at the House of Judgment at the Ministry of Justice. Additionally, you will need a letter from the bride’s father. To conduct the civil aspect of a marriage, the above-mentioned documents are still required, regardless of the religious ceremony.

While religious marriages are conducted in their sites of worship such as Roman Catholics can tie the knot at the Sacred Heart Church or Hindus are in temples dedicated to Goddess Durga, which vary from sect to sect. 

Reasons behind expat choosing Easy wedding Georgia as a destination Place:

The Georgia courts will recognize your common-law marriage as having full faith and credit. Other states’ laws cannot be ignored by Georgia. In any case, Georgia must accept the legality of marriages created outside of its borders even if it could not recognize such marriages.

Besides this, the paperwork of the marriage process is quite simple and economical for expats, such freedom is quite difficult to get in any other country.  

Giving the best piece of Advice to Expats:

If you are an expat in any country and have to perform interfaith marriages quickly and legally. Considering Georgia as a location for your wedding where you will receive economical and quite beneficial perks for your couple.

Book an appointment with our easy-wedding team to know more about the best possible preferences according to your situation!

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