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Last updated on November 7, 2024

Can muslim and non muslim get married in kuwait

Yes, Muslim and non-Muslim couples can marry in Kuwait under specific conditions.

In Kuwait, civil marriage is not legal for Muslims. However, a Muslim man may marry a Christian or Jewish woman (People of the Book) without issues. A Muslim woman cannot marry a non-Muslim man unless he converts to Islam. Official marriages are conducted according to Sharia law, which applies to both citizens and expatriates. For non-Muslims, marriages must be performed within recognized religious institutions, such as churches, and require proper documentation from the Ministry of Justice.

Key points include:
– Muslim men can marry Christian or Jewish women.
– Muslim women need proof of conversion for non-Muslim husbands.
– Marriages for expatriates must be recognized by their respective embassies.
– Churches recognized in Kuwait include Catholic, Anglican, and Orthodox denominations.
– All marriages require legal documentation and witnesses.
For further assistance on wedding planning in Kuwait or any other destination, feel free to ask!

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Important Note

This information can vary over period of time, to make sure you have the up to date information, check with local authorities, or wedding planners.

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