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Last updated on October 8, 2024

Cost to hire an imam for ceremonial wedding

The cost to hire an imam for a ceremonial wedding can vary based on location and services provided. Generally, at Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, the fees are as follows: $300 for in-house ceremonies and starting at $500 for outside ceremonies, subject to availability and special requests. To ensure a smooth process, couples should follow these steps:
– Obtain a marriage license from any Virginia court or a marriage certificate from another state.
– Schedule an appointment with the imam within sixty days of the license issuance.
– Complete mandatory premarital counseling before the ceremony.
On the appointment day, bring:
– Both partners and the bride’s guardian (Wali), who must be a Muslim male.
– Two Muslim male witnesses.
– Court paperwork and identification for all parties involved.
Remember to declare the Mahr (marriage dower) in monetary value for inclusion in the marriage certificate.

The best wedding packages that would suit this query, you can find at following locations or categories.

Important Note

This information can vary over period of time, to make sure you have the up to date information, check with local authorities, or wedding planners.

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