Last updated on October 14, 2024
How much it will cost for wedding ceremony in seychelles
To get married in Seychelles, couples must provide specific documents.
For a civil wedding in Seychelles, you need to email the following documents: 1. Copies of your passports (photo page) 2. Birth certificates If applicable: 3. Divorce decree if previously married 4. Death certificate if widowed 5. Legal proof of name change * Ensure all documents (points 2-5) are in English or French; certified translations are needed for other languages. We can assist with translations if required. If you lack any document, please contact us for help.
For a civil wedding in Seychelles, you need to email the following documents: 1. Copies of your passports (photo page) 2. Birth certificates If applicable: 3. Divorce decree if previously married 4. Death certificate if widowed 5. Legal proof of name change * Ensure all documents (points 2-5) are in English or French; certified translations are needed for other languages. We can assist with translations if required. If you lack any document, please contact us for help.
The best wedding packages that would suit this query, you can find at following locations or categories.
Important Note
This information can vary over period of time, to make sure you have the up to date information, check with local authorities, or wedding planners.
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