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Last updated on November 11, 2024

How soon i can get married in dubai

You can get married in Dubai within 1-3 days if all documents are ready.

For a civil marriage, the process can be expedited to as little as one day if requirements are met. For a Sharia marriage, expect a timeline of 3-5 days or longer due to additional steps like premarital screening and wali (guardian) approval. Gathering necessary documents promptly will help secure your court date sooner.

– Prepare all required documents
– Schedule an appointment at the court
– Complete any necessary premarital screenings
– Attend the marriage ceremony with witnesses

Getting married in Dubai is efficient when you have everything prepared.

The best wedding packages that would suit this query, you can find at following locations or categories.

Important Note

This information can vary over period of time, to make sure you have the up to date information, check with local authorities, or wedding planners.

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