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Last updated on October 24, 2024

What is process for wedding in the uae

To get married in the UAE, follow these essential steps.

The wedding process varies based on nationality and religion but generally includes obtaining a marriage license from local authorities, selecting a venue for your ceremony (mosque, church, or civil court), choosing an officiant to conduct the wedding, planning details like date and guest invitations, arranging transportation for guests if needed, preparing for the ceremony itself with decorations and attire choices. Non-Muslim couples must complete a pre-marital medical check-up while Muslim couples need to perform a nikah ceremony.

– Obtain marriage license
– Choose venue
– Select celebrant
– Plan details of ceremony
– Send out invitations
– Arrange transportation if necessary
– Prepare decor/attire before event
– Hold official ceremony

This concise guide will help you navigate getting married in Dubai effectively.

The best wedding packages that would suit this query, you can find at following locations or categories.

Important Note

This information can vary over period of time, to make sure you have the up to date information, check with local authorities, or wedding planners.

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